Comparative advantage is one of the deepest and most profound ideas in economics. Should Martha Stewart iron her own shirts? No! We explain why and the impli...

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The Eurozone Crisis course: http://www.mruniversity.com/courses/international-financeAsk a question about the video: http://www.mruniversity.com/courses/inte...

International Finance course: http://www.mruniversity.com/courses/international-financeAsk a question about the video: http://www.mruniversity.com/courses/in...

This is one of the biggest ongoing debates.International Finance course: http://www.mruniversity.com/courses/international-financeAsk a question about the vi...

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International Finance course: http://mruniversity.com/courses/international-financeAsk a question about the video: http://mruniversity.com/courses/internatio...

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