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But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don't work you die” twitter.com/calebwatney/st…

"Ramit Sethi (@ramit) — How to Play Offense with Money, Plan Bucket Lists, Build a Rich Life with Your Partner, and Take a Powerful $100 Challenge" Listen to my interview with Ramit here: tim.blog/2021/07/26/ram… pic.twitter.com/46DI9AE5eh

tferriss tweet image

1/ Some thoughts on financial storms I seeing brewing ahead. I expect 6000 point drop in aggregate in months ahead. Here's why.

We are not asking for anyone to relinquish control. For the last decade we’ve been building a better financial system and day by day individuals are choosing it. We are transcending and building a new. We don’t have to force anyone, they just don’t stop coming! twitter.com/JeffHosterman/…

“The true power of Web3 technologies is the potential to reshape how value is created, shared, and distributed on the Internet, making distributing value as easy as sending and receiving an email.” twitter.com/sariazout/stat…