The internet is full of knowledge.
Stop wasting it.

Atlas helps you collect, summarise and share knowledge rich content from around the web.

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Save Content Quickly

Our browser extension works on any site, allowing you to save articles, tweets, podcasts & videos wherever they appear.

Summarize and organize with ease

Tag people and topics with a single keystroke. Paste in your highlights and add your own notes.

Never lose a link

A single click sends an item to your backlog. Read it and tag it when you're ready.

Build your digital library, effortlessly

Atlas creates a link for every topic you create, capturing the compounding value of knowledge over time. Share these links with others to showcase what you know.

Save, organise & consume.
All in one place

Simply give Atlas a url and we'll fetch the content in real time. Right now we support tweets, podcasts, videos and articles, with new providers being added all the time.

Atlas Creator Library

  • Browse the entire Atlas Catalog, as curated by the Atlas Community.
  • Search by topic or author, for example: "Show me the best youtube videos on sleep", or "Show me every tweet, podcast and blog post ever published by Naval"

"Atlas is exactly what I've been looking for! I used Pocket for a long time but found it hard to organise all the links and content I'd saved. It was basically just a dump of info. Atlas is like the second brain I needed to make sense of all the curated content I've amassed over the years. I can also see what other trusted sources have been reading and learning about. I love it! 🙌"

Craig watson
founder at product buffs

"The Atlas browser extension is so useful. You can even save tweets with it!"

Xavi ablaza
founder at makisu

"Atlas helps me so much in my research. I love how it gives me the freedom to add notes or comments to everything I save which is so helpful to remember why I saved a particular card and what were my takeaways. For me, it's an easy 10/10"

sarah ennis
phd student

“I read a lot of different articles across many sources and topics. Atlas helps me to better organize my knowledge base, take notes, and tag to relevant topics so I can more easily look back and reference what I’ve already read. I’d highly recommend Atlas to anyone that does a ton of reading online!”

evan chen
hacker and Angel investor


Thoughts, ideas and concepts from the team behind Atlas.

Start building your second brain

Setup your Atlas within 2 minutes. It's free.