4 Tweets saved by
Anna Doe
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Powerful action verbs to use in your copy: Unlock Supercharge Accelerate Maximize Streamline Upgrade Transform Secure Exceed Acquire Any other ideas?

Saved to Copywriting
over 2 years ago

Protocol apps are the next step to take crypto mainstream Here’s what a @Uniswap one might work and look like tiagosada.com/notes/uniswap

Saved to Saas
over 2 years ago

wow my primary school teacher’s kid, who I remember the birth of, is going to college aging is the wildest trip

Saved to School
over 2 years ago

Breaking news: local 32-year-old man on Twitter discovers the suburbs for the first time, moves there, buys a grill, declares β€œcities are dead.”

Saved to Saas
over 2 years ago