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GeePaw Hill

Now let's change the subject. Or. Let's *broaden* the subject: What current method *would* I use? None of them. Let's talk about why there are no extant software development methods that reliably lead to optimal software development.

  • I love this thread because it advocates two of my strongest beliefs - interpersonal relationships are important, and most of the time, extensive process and structure are a band-aid over a different underlying issue.
  • "If your relationships were those things, you wouldn't need much method. And if your relationships aren't, structures, artifacts, rules, procedures, all of these things are usually neutral or even net-negative in impact on those relationships."
  • "You will not get optimum software development by emphasizing hierarchical command and control"
  • "All happy software engineering teams are alike"
  • "They (current systems) focus their attention and their reasoning almost entirely around "process": structure, artifacts, rules, forms, procedures"
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