1 Podcast Episode by
Peter Attia
  • Slow start & slow speakers. Listen at 1.7x
  • Didn't have notes out while listening, but from memory:
    • Covers the basics of how sleep works.
    • Affects of alcohol on sleep.
    • Authors thoughts on Covid-19 vaccine - when it'll come available and how it'll be rolled out.
    • Impact of sleep on vaccine uptake.
    • 5 tips for good sleep hygiene
    • Then covers issues with the book (Alexey Guzey wrote a long blog post on this)
    • 17 factual errors
    • Doubling of cancer risk claim is true of certain types of cancer (ovarian) but not true as a blanket statement.
    • Seemed to rescind the claim that there aren't any biological functions that do not benefit by a good night’s sleep, citing studies on depression.
    • 2nd edition coming out soon.
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