3 Tweets by
Tim Keller

Good thread indeed. I've found this book review by Keller to be a helpful, nuanced meditation on Christian nationalism: quarterly.gospelinlife.com/book-review-on…. twitter.com/kkdumez/status…

about 3 years ago

For PCA friends at the 2021 GA.  WLC 151 says these sins are more “heinous in God’s sight” than others- Paragraph 1: if the person doing the sin should know better or is a visible bad example to others. Paragraph 2: If the parties more immediately offended are—1/8

Long 🧵! Some have said that my being attacked by both the “right” and the “left” is a sign I am teaching truth because truth is found in the middle between extremes. I appreciate the support, but that’s not accurate. 1/

I've heard this from Tim since 1986, this is nothing new, nothing that he has shaped for his New York City audience, despite what some have said

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