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J'ai fouillé les moindres recoins de Youtube pour apprendre à vendre mes services. 99% des chaînes racontaient n'importe quoi. Voici les 1% qui t'apprendront à vendre tes services :

Saved to YouTube c
over 1 year ago

7 questions à poser à ton client idéal pour créer une offre qu'il se sentira stupide de refuser :

for collaboration

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over 1 year ago

After 900+ days on Twitter I've finally perfected my process to get high-quality leads So I duplicated the process for my clients and they now collectively close over $250k in new deals a week Today I am sharing the entire process with you Save this now: pic.twitter.com/Ey5Rq6w0yn

wizofecom tweet image
Saved to Lead
over 1 year ago

One guy makes $300k year working from his corner office in a skyscraper somewhere with his name on the door. Another guy is making $120k year, flying all over the world whenever we wants, and working 3 hours a day from his laptop. Who's the real winner?

Saved to Thought
over 1 year ago

Mix story telling with a deep understanding of psychology + NLP and you will be a better marketer than 95% of your competitors

Most websites sucks in 2022. So I crowdsourced the best from 1,74.000 people on Reddit and Twitter. Here are 10 gem websites you wish you knew yesterday👇

Je sais que trouver tes premiers clients à 1550€, 3800€ ou 5400€ est très difficile. Mais cela devient un jeu d'enfant si tu maîtrises le cold-email. Voici donc comment rédiger des cold-emails qui te rapporteront de "gros" clients en toute simplicité : 🧵 THREAD 🧵

over 1 year ago

7 books you NEED to have in your Kindle library if you want to become better with women but have no idea where to start. ~ Thread ~

Saved to Women
over 1 year ago

📊The 22 Immutable LAWS OF MARKETING Book — a great book for marketer, copywriters, media buyers, and entrepreneurs, too! ///A Thread//👇🏻🤯🧠 pic.twitter.com/5SE6MHRdTG

ZainabRose96 tweet image

Comment les 8 péchés capitaux peuvent ils faire grossir votre CA pic.twitter.com/fipMCPXK6i

itachite_dono tweet image

For more than 2 years I've been researching the X factor. The "thing" that separates average Copywriters from masters. There are multiple answers but there's ONE that has stuck with me since I discovered it. The Rule of Marbles 👇 pic.twitter.com/a285X3tWNT

MercureCopy tweet image
Saved to copywriting
over 1 year ago

// THREAD // 📚 10 livres incontournables et peu connus pour lancer ton business rentable sur internet pic.twitter.com/HARCwTsEXQ

MichaudBenoit1 tweet image
Saved to books
over 1 year ago

// THREAD // Les 6 étapes que j’utilise pour rédiger des séquences E-mail à succès en seulement quelques heures Rt et Like si t'as aimé

Saved to copywriting
over 1 year ago

鵺神蓮さんが作ってくれたよー!🙌 嬉しい✨✨✨😊 10/1発売開始です。お楽しみに✨✨ ももせ桜叶AVデビュー作 @oto_fetish pic.twitter.com/Mp76ZBdDJ0

Saved to Shibari
over 1 year ago

I’m in one of those Training arcs🏋🏾‍♂️ pic.twitter.com/FPkqDX9vTO

kingvader tweet image

En copywriting on vous répète qu’il faut écrire comme vous parlez En réalité il faut écrire comme votre audience parle Et je viens de découvrir un site plus que sympa pour vous aider à faire ça 👇🏻

Saved to copywriting
over 1 year ago

10 amazing websites that cost you nothing, but will save you hundreds of hours of your life:

Saved to tools
over 1 year ago

Google Docs is used by 1.8+ billion people worldwide. The recent updates are perfection. 11 g-docs features so good, you'll kick yourself if you didn't know:

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over 1 year ago

12 must read books before you turn 30 1. Thinking, Fast and Slow pic.twitter.com/BxOiEhQSOV

UpSkillYourLife tweet image
Saved to book
over 1 year ago

People who want to see you win, will help you win. Remember that 💯

Saved to Thought
over 1 year ago

A man who can control his lust is unstoppable.

Saved to lust
over 1 year ago

This is me and my wife on a boat in Italy I was on a 30-day Europe trip..... while my $1,000,000 business ran without me that's because I designed my business to run without me here's how you can do it too pic.twitter.com/wYCMGkLOWx

jordan_ross_8F tweet image
Saved to system
over 1 year ago

9 free marketing Chrome extensions that’ll help you save time and make money: (If you’re a marketer or entrepreneur, read this) 🧵


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Here are content creation tips from a dude with 81,000 followers 1. Create helpful content that either entertains or teaches (or combine the 2) 2. Speak to your audience instead of solely talking about yourself 3. Never miss a day of content creation

over 1 year ago

My friend @AltcoinGordon told me about this guy and he has grown on me tbh pic.twitter.com/IYBJFNJTAw

Reflexion about slavery

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Saved to Thought
over 1 year ago

Most people suck at marketing Why? They DON’T understand how funnels & repeat buyer strategies work Look at McDonald's & Disney, you've been stuck in their marketing funnels since birth Here are 5 of those strategies that brands use to get you to buy from them for years pic.twitter.com/QR7LyHo4tv

wizofecom tweet image
over 1 year ago

You have a moral obligation to get wealthy. Here is why:

to meditate

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Saved to Thought
over 1 year ago