5 Tweets about
Email Marketing
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If you found these resources useful or ✨ inspiring ✨ please consider RT'ing the original tweet πŸ‘‡ twitter.com/mrsharma/statu…

almost 2 years ago

5. Brands will mix-in plain-text emails. While my team creates beautiful emails for our clients, I do think plain-text will become more prevalent than it currently is for DTC brands. Plain-text can feel more personal & can help w/hitting the inbox more often than the promo tab.

about 2 years ago

It took me 6 months to reach 400 newsletter subscribers. But only 6 WEEKS to pass 1,000. How you can grow your newsletter from 0 to 1,000 subscribers β€” faster than me: pic.twitter.com/X6nNhbMtmY

amandanat tweet image
about 2 years ago

If you really enjoyed this thread on emails, sign up for my weekly email. Over 18,000 DTC founders, investors, and operators read it and it's free! nik.co/email

about 2 years ago

If you enjoyed this thread then you'll hopefully enjoy this one too twitter.com/alexgarcia_atx…

about 2 years ago