6 Youtube Videos about
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Elon Musk on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The interviewer is pretty great!
need to watch this sometime soon.

over 3 years ago
Varun Mayya: Broke to Startup!
  1. actually realize you need some amount of money
Lijjat Papad: How 7 Women from Mumbai created a 1600Cr Empire

How 7 women from Mumbai created a 1600Cr empire even before tech Giants. this is the story of Lijjat Papad

over 2 years ago
Why Zomato is a GOLD MINE in the making?

This video explains why Zomato is a goldmine in the making! They will IPO and go public soon! need to take notes of this soon.

Balaji, Shaan VP and Sam talking about how to fix the cloud and media!
over 2 years ago
Billion dollar startup ideas

Garry Tan's collection of great startup ideas!