If you want to become a Web 3.0 developer, a structured approach can leverage your learning by a lot. Let me give you a roadmap that will definitely lead you towards your goal! 🧵👇🏻

A structured roadmap to learn Web3
70+ Job search sites, 50+ Interview Preparation sites, 50+ Freelance Platforms These are some of the MEGA Threads I have created In the past🚀🚀🚀 A Thread of Some Important Mega Threads

Vinay's Thread on Megathreads
If you use it right, Google is the most powerful tool in the world. But the truth is most people suck at it. Here are 8 Googling tips that you probably don't know👇
How to Get Rich (without getting lucky):

Learn to sell, Learn to build.
You will be unstoppable.
Dave Chapelle: •Actor •Writer •Producer •Legendary comedian But he's got more to tell us than jokes... THREAD: 9 Quotes on life, money, and achieving greatness you'll be glad you read. pic.twitter.com/rJTvKZDzYV

- surround yourself with winners
- delivery is more important than being absolutely right.
- spend less time on labels and more time on the people behind them
- realize that we're all human.
- do not look at life with the framework of money.
- learn to move on so that you can move forward.
- when you think you have more to give, there always is.
- live with integrity
- leave a mark on this world
I moved into Web3 / crypto after working as a dev / Developer Advocate for ~10 years in the traditional web space. In that time I've created 14 guides that have helped hundreds of thousands of devs learn how to build dapps. If you are looking to also learn, here they are: 🧵
Steve Jobs was a visionary, innovator, and hell of a marketer. Guy Kawasaki said, "Steve was the greatest marketer ever." His approach was the base for building the most valuable company in the world. Here are 11 marketing lessons from Steve Jobs that will catapult growth 🧵 pic.twitter.com/JnfrXFU8ka

I've been on Twitter for 16 months now 35,000 followers Hundreds of thousands of dollars And a ton of meaningful connections later Here's the tl;dr:

1) Focus on what a Twitter account needs
2) Meet connections IRL
3) Every Tweet is a Remix of another
4) Zoom out and focus; No Distractions
5) Keep an eye open. You can implement ideas that people give out for free.
6) If you want to be someone on twiter, be someone outside of twitter.
7) You're potentially one good tweet away
8) Partner Up! Your combined result is better than the sum of what you can achieve on your own (1+1=3)!
9) Everyone is figuring it out
10) Conistency, Quality and Networking is key
I've sent over 2000 DMs on Twitter. Now, I do 10x the work in half the time in Twitter's most valuable feature. Here's the ultimate framework for DMs:

1.Turn on notifications.
2. Don't make connections, make friends.
3. Write your own FAQs.
4. Send video DMs.
5. Give away free stuff.
6. Provide upfront value.
7. Appreciate them (be specific).
8. If you have an ask, ask.
What is a senior developer *REALLY*? There is a misconception in our industry that the senior developer title is earned by age or time in the company. I disagree with that approach. Find out what I think a senior developer really is. 🧵👇
Learn Flutter Like A PRO 2021 Edition ( Absolutely Free ) 💙 Build 25+ Apps ⚡️ My 3 Years of hard work to make this content. 👨🏻💻 For the correct order to learn. ⌕ Here is the Full Thread Down 👇🏻 Retweet for awareness. 🔁 Subscribe MTECHVIRAL Youtube @mtechviral #Flutter pic.twitter.com/skXLfUoBve

Pawan Kumar (MTechViral, Codepur) has assembled this free course structure to learn flutter effectively! Might need this soon.
A ton of startup investors gave me permission to share their contact details in this thread. The venture capitalists below said you're welcome to DM/email them your pitch decks! They look forward to it. Hopefully this helps with fundraising:

Interesting. might be very useful
How to stop worrying about what other people think [THREAD 🧵]

A Twitter thread on how to stop worrying about what others think
Some of my best threads of web development that led me to over 100,000 audience. 🧵👇🏻

Web Dev Threads that took Pratham to 100K followers!
Wanna Learn Nuclear and Particle Physics for free? A Thread 👇

Learn Nuclear and Particle Physics for free using this thread
In 2004, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos met for a meal to discuss space. It was one of their few in-person interactions. That conversation perfectly captures the different approaches they've taken to space (and why SpaceX has pulled ahead of Blue Origin). Here's the story 🧵 pic.twitter.com/g1XtoheHeY

A thread about Elon musk and Jeff Bezos' dinner discussion
I have 15+ years of digital marketing experience. I condensed everything I know about SEO in one single thread including videos from industry experts. When you finish this thread you can literally start your own SEO agency and start making money online.

This thread will teach you SEO so much do that you can try to create your own agency!
Want to do an MBA for free ? A thread 👇

Sahil Patel's great thread on how to do an MBA for free.
I've reviewed over 150+ no-code / low-code tools. Here are 27 tools that will help you build your MVP, Startup faster! 🚀 These tools are the ultimate hack to web development! 🤩

27 Code/NoCode solutions to help you build your MVP faster and better! Accelerate your Startup's growth!
I gathered tools your startup needs. Here's what they are:

This is a great Twitter thread by @bereket who has compiled all the tools needed for a startup!
this could be really valuable!
If you’re a freelancer, or content creator, or intend to make any kind of content online - this conversation with @packyM will fascinate you. youtu.be/rbSqE-h7PUE

Superpumped Talk!
How to grow on Instagram reels? I went from 1000 followers to 215,000 followers in 8 months and here is what I learnt! If you're just starting out, this is a great time. With recent changes to the algorithm, Instagram is promoting smaller pages more than ever. (1/n)

Anushka tells us how to grow on Instagram reels! she went from 1000 to 250K followers in 8 months!

A thread on ReactJS and general dev tips and tricks I picked while working on my recent project(launching soon, @CeloOrg community get ready!)

This is a Twitter thread by Manan where he shares a few important tips about working with ReactJS
Collecting the most metric focused, no bullshit articles on product/growth metrics, benchmarks, case studies/anything interesting. Here goes big list of resources/reading/links for PMs/Folks in Growth (constantly updated as I read more useful stuff): docs.google.com/document/d/1yd…

Varun mayya's Google docs on growth!
A really trustworthy source!
Banglore weather from May onwards is just heavenly. Overcast skies with a lot of wind!

This is tweet about Bengaluru Weather in the months of May, June and July! ♥️