An NFT is a unique digital object. Scarcity is either enforced offline (like a ticket to an event), by a smart contract (like a .eth domain), or by a social contract with a community (artists, fans, punks, apes). “You can’t right-click and save a community.” - @sanchans
20 Powerful lessons from the book “The Almanack of Naval Ravikant” =Thread pic.twitter.com/0xDOPe6E9P

24 recommended books from @Naval on Philosophy, fiction and non-fiction 🧵 pic.twitter.com/AezCpaPa6A

Books recommended by Naval
Impatient with actions. Patient with results.
How to Get Rich (without getting lucky):

Learn to sell, Learn to build.
You will be unstoppable.
Through Naval, I discovered the term "Curation Businesses" which describe things like Universities, Accelerators, and VC firms twitter.com/naval/status/9…

I can’t remember the last time I finished a book so quickly. What a gem!⚡️ Thanks @EricJorgenson for putting together Naval’s timeless wisdom in such a clear, practical, and digestible way.✨ @jackbutcher your illustrations are A++ pic.twitter.com/GfCg506I0H

Kids are learning machines. They just need the tools. @naval twitter.com/anafabrega11/s…

“Veterans are a symbol of what makes our nation great, and we must never forget all they have done to ensure our freedom.”- Rodney Frelinghuysen #MemorialDay
Creative ppl should NOT work Monday-Friday 9-to-5 (yet 99% do this) @naval has a great framework. Work like a LION. - sit - wait for prey - SPRINT - eat/enjoy - rest & repeat Most people work like COWS instead. Standing in the field all day, grazing grass slowly.
one of the best part of having kids. You "act" amazed at tiny things ("look...bubbles!!"). The act becomes real over time. Being curious and excited about the everyday things twitter.com/naval/status/1…
Narrative is shifting from “Sweden is failing” to “We aren’t anything like Sweden.” But we are like Hong Kong, Taiwan, New Zealand, and South Korea? 🤔 twitter.com/naval/status/1…

Lockdown is rehab for society to break its addiction to unnecessary commuting for unnecessary meetings.
Half of us are working from couch and luxuriating in the myth of shared sacrifice. The other half are getting their livelihoods crushed while the virus lies in wait.
Billionaires aren’t evil, they’re just boring.
When the mind is speaking without permission, it’s lying.
You build a model to figure out which assumptions drive the model.
Colleges have to convince students for the next year that a remote education is worth every bit as much as an in-person one, and then pivot back before students actually start believing it. It’s like only being able to sell your competitor’s product for a year.
@naval Summarised all tweets of specific knowledge and also the verbose from the podcast pic.twitter.com/9UeG1Y2gB2

Once you’re calm and fit, you have everything worth having, as the rest just comes and goes.
The only people worth envying are the ones incapable of envy.
Wisdom can’t be copied, it must be embodied.
Wisdom is the product of experience and honest reflection.
You’re never going to be happy if you keep lying to yourself.
Politicizing science is the same as destroying it.