1 Podcast Episode about
Charter Cities
Show Topics
  • Ani is impressively well-read and polymathic.
  • Highlights

    • Money and code are isomorphic forms of free speech.
    • Black elephant - huge monstrous problem staring us in the face but no one acknowledges it.
    • What’s lacking in biotech is "What is our mission?"
    • Population is the biggest engine of growth of technology and progress.
    • Crypto is the fastest growing antithesis to the cultural apathy we have. People are seeing you either own your own methods of production or no one will even look at you.
    • Bones of contention: Rise of social impact courses in Stanford tells us people hate atheism?
  • Show Notes

    • Why people don’t crave scientific advancement.
    • What the postmodern solution to the desire to be part of religion might look like.
    • What “the iPhone moment for cities” might look like.
    • His thoughts on stagnation.
    • His analysis of Thiel’s idea that “every bubble is a commentary on capitalism.”
    • The state of biotech and the future of the FDA post-COVID.
    • Why COVID will be an accelerant for crypto.
    • His thoughts on the space industry.
    • Why he thinks that moreso than “it’s time to build,” it’s time to tinker.
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