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I made uidesign.tips for all my UI & UX tips! It's gonna be a rich collection of byte-size lessons, in-depth UI reviews, and landing page teardowns. There is still a lot of work to be done, but the first version is this πŸ‘‡ pic.twitter.com/mxykGy2Npj

over 2 years ago

Re-reading Fred Brooks's '77 "The computer scientist as tool-smith" after chat with @jessmartin, really struck by the connection with this Christopher Alexander quote: "the only way to achieve good fit between any design and its requirements is to find misfits and remove them…" pic.twitter.com/srRpbMEPvt

andy_matuschak tweet image
  • "Good fit is the absence of all possible misfits"
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Working to come up w/ a narrowed down list! airtable.com/shrU8245jAse0x… Any of these companies you think do NOT *clearly* meet all 4 criteria? pic.twitter.com/wTi7Mou4OK

Shpigford tweet image
almost 4 years ago

Great designers are strong at "product thinking." This is a key aspect of many design interviews, as well as many PM or VC ones. But what exactly is product thinking? And how does one get good at it? Thread below πŸ‘‡

To have good instincts about what makes a product beloved, you generally have...
- Curiosity about how people think and behave
- Understanding of why various products are popular/unpopular
- A habit of analyzing new products
- An eye for seeing good/bad user experiences

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