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Current status: building interactive demos showing some defensive CSS techniques in action 🀩 pic.twitter.com/3SqCVg6dQu

CSS Grid is tricky. But I made some visuals and interactive examples that can help you understand better. A mega thread on CSS Grid layout:

over 1 year ago

My nephew is studying HTML and CSS in college. When he was telling me about it, there was a sparkle in his eyes when he told me that he can learn HTML by using a thing called "Inspect / View Source" in the browser. ✨ Now if only modern tools didn't ruin this for him.

The first order-of-operations hack to learn: Instead of starting with a high-fidelity mockup, use the "parts on the floor" approach. Figure out (1) the data you need, (2) the raw affordances for the UI (buttons, fields, links), then (3) wire them together with no styling. pic.twitter.com/ktqLmHvivn

rjs tweet image
almost 2 years ago

No idea how to implement a new Ruby on Rails feature, model, controller, or migration? How to write a proper test? Here's a list of 216+ Rails Apps you can use as a reference, and how to easily find what you need.πŸ’£ hexdevs.com/posts/massive-…

almost 2 years ago

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» "What's the future of the full-stack developer?" I had a great chat with @taylorotwell (creator of @laravelphp) about this: "Deep down, I know that full-stack development is the bread & butter of most real things happening on the ground. But on Twitter, it feels different." pic.twitter.com/MBAosXqUGp

almost 2 years ago

the Hypermedia-Driven Application (HDA) architecture: a new old way to build web applications that synthesizes the best of traditional Multi-Page Applications (MPA) and the new Single-Page Application (SPA) approach htmx.org/essays/hyperme…

almost 2 years ago

I am a professional software engineer that has been writing JavaScript for 25 years. I am incapable of setting up a modern JavaScript stack from scratch. If I cannot find a start repo with the set of tools I want to build already configured, I'm just stuck.

almost 2 years ago

Coinbase, Airbnb Shopify, GitHub all initially built on Rails, two of them on Heroku Others like them: Groupon, ask.fm, Zendesk, Urban Dictionary (a fascinating story in itself given the traffic it does) all Rails & some Heroku twitter.com/jfahrenkrug/st…

Rails examples

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