3 Tweets about
solana technicals
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ELI5: fee market on solana blockspace is limited, users need to bid for it, but if blocks aren't saturated why would user fees go up? 🧵

almost 3 years ago

Here's a new technical blog post that covers a very common issue on Solana.. transaction confirmation failures 😒 Grab a ☕️ and dive in to learn how transaction expiration works and how to best avoid it! jstarry.notion.site/Transaction-co…

almost 2 years ago

📝 Episode 7 of the #Solana series is out. ☞ Create a new Vue 3 app within your project. ☞ Install Solana & Anchor JavaScript libraries. ☞ Install TailwindCSS & Vue Router. ☞ Copy/paste all components with mock data. lorisleiva.com/create-a-solan…

about 2 years ago