Deflation | Jörg Guido Hülsmann

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on July 17, 2018.Mises University is the world's leading instructional program in the Austrian School of ...

over 1 year ago
Murad Mahmudov: The Ultimate Bitcoin Argument (Off the Chain with Anthony Pompliano) - YouTube
Saved to Bitcoin
over 1 year ago
March Zeal - Yan Zhu from Brave and Jay Graber from
Matt Ridley on How Fossil Fuels are Greening the Planet - YouTube

Controversial but intriguing take by Matt. Generally someone I admire so shouldn't reject this part of the story before I do further research.

Von Neumann Architecture - Computerphile

Von Neumann Architecture is how nearly all computers are built, but who was John Von Neumann and where did the architecture come from? Professor Brailsford t...

Balaji Srinivasan at Startup School 2013

Concept of Voice vs Exit. Voice - try to change/modify the system itself. Exit - quit the system, go or start an alternate one without constraints or locks. Crucial element of democracy is to reduce the barrier to exit. 'Giving people a way to escape influence of bad policies on their lives without getting involved in politics'.

Where Does Growth Come From? | Clayton Christensen | Talks at Google - YouTube
Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2021 Highlights [Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger] - YouTube

Warren Buffett talked about gambling in stocks -
Speculators may do no harm as bubbles on a steady stream of enterprise. But the position is serious when enterprise becomes a bubble on a whirlpool of speculation. When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill done. - John Maynard Keynes.

Earlier Buffett showed a report of top 30 companies from 1989, none of them made to top 30 of 2019. He also talked about early 20th century where many people predicted automobile to be the next thing and indeed it did become one, but he pulled out a list of over 2000 failed companies from that time in the sector showing that stocks are way more than just predicting the next big market.

Lecture 6 - Growth (Alex Schultz) - YouTube

Retention is the single most important thing for growth.
- Ideally if you have a asympote to x-axis for retention curve, you have a product market fit for that set of users.
- Look for Monthly Active users - I think in Atlas' case we should use WAU.
- What is a good retention? - Figure it out for yourself. DO THE MATH. Different verticals need different retention rates - have to tools to think about it.
- Should look at the number that actually matters - In Atlas' case that number should be no. of cards saved per user/week. The users should also be segragated into further groups according to their personas and ideally have atleast 50 people in each persona for analysing the data.
- What's the magic moment for Atlas?
- For people who are already using the product all the time, notifications probably won't do much harm, let them take control if they don't like them, but don't miss not sending across things to marginal users.
- Growth in pinterest's case was driven by marketing.

- Virality 3 aspects - Payload, Frequency and Conversion. Conversion is what actually matters for virality.

almost 3 years ago
What are webhooks - YouTube
over 2 years ago
Balaji Srinivasan - Bitcoin and Ethereum, Crypto Oracles, and More | The Tim Ferriss Show
Peter Reinhardt on Finding Product Market Fit at Segmen
almost 3 years ago
Blitzscaling 01: Overview of the Five Stages of Blitzscaling

"If you are not embarrassed by your product release, you've probably released it too late."

Jack Dorsey On Solitude, Self-Care & Shouldering Healthy Conversation
  • Walks 5 miles to work everyday.
  • Lives a minimalist, low material lifestyle to take away the focus from there and maximise deep thinking.
  • Meditation 1) Started of from 20 mins since 20 years ago, until he went to a Vipassana retreat for 10 days. Only after day 4 does it start feeling like a make or break.
    2) For Jack, every single day comes down to building self awareness. 3) Listens to Ben Greenfield's podcasts a lot. 4) Wakes up 5:30, first thing - cold shower. 5) Sauna every evening. 6) OMAD inspired by Wim Hof
almost 3 years ago
Patrick Collison on Hiring at Stripe & the role of a product focused CEO

So much tech was built in 60-70s by Engelbart, Kay, Ingals, Vint Cerf, Unix - including having video conferences at that time.

Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, and the Future of Money

Vitalik Buterin is co-creator of Ethereum and ether, which is a cryptocurrency that is currently the second-largest digital currency after bitcoin. Ethereum...