For these reasons I don’t think the current order holds up long, nor do I think an unchecked Chinese state would be a benevolent overlord. We’ll need to assemble a new coalition, a decentralized center. As positive sum as possible, but not naive…
A theory, not strongly held. India's advantage vs China on web3 may be that it won't ban it. Its advantage vs the US may be that it doesn't have legacy web2 incumbents. And its advantage vs both may be that it has many who are both willing *and* able to emigrate anywhere. twitter.com/mindaoyang/sta…
Components of the DAO stack - identity - tasking - wiki, docs - public-facing content - treasury management - codebase, bug tracker - send/receive payments - encrypted chat via private keys - smart contracts for crowdfunding - meetings, scheduling, attendance What else?
@AshleyRindsberg @balaji See @lexfridman and @SergeyNazarov's recent podcast. Chainlink is a good v1 of what the next Reuters looks like: a cryptographically-verified feed of machine-readable assertions from identifiable oracles. A transformation of the information supply chain. lexfridman.com/sergey-nazarov/

If India did this, the world would follow its lead. @narendramodi @PMOIndia @balajis twitter.com/balajis/status…
When did tech go from friends to enemies with media? @balajis had a great breakdown. Tech started out as an ally, then became a foe. - FB/google swallowed the world's ad budgets (took their revenue) - FB/Twitter feeds swallowed everyone's attention (took their distribution) pic.twitter.com/ybcLBrPE9Q
We really should be in the middle of a golden age of productivity. Within living memory, computers did not exist. Photocopiers did not exist. *Backspace* did not exist. You had to type it all by hand.
.@balajis told us how he'd build a huge media biz. He's doing that now with a newsletter that pays people prizes to launch new companies: 1729.com. But to understand what to build, we discussed the history of media. Click the link in the video for full ep. pic.twitter.com/QLmurwGofj

You don't have a track record. You don't have a platform to speak on. You don't have the funds. Here's how 21-year old @balajis would spend his time and build his skill set: pic.twitter.com/aLAPczorqF

Accounting as graph theory. martin.kleppmann.com/2011/03/07/acc… pic.twitter.com/kOn4jgPEpM

Every financial transaction in every app will eventually give you a link to a block explorer as a universal receipt. This is the obvious way to merge accounting across multiple apps.

A new way to fund open source? - Be open source dev - Issue a token - Hold X% of it - Has 0 value initially - Award (100-X)% of it over time to folks who contribute code - Companies then buy token to prioritize bugs & features - Suddenly, an economy arises!
Private keys enable digital private property. twitter.com/balajis/status…
Software is eventually upstream of everything: money, media, medicine, and manufacturing. Crypto, info, bio, robo. So if you're good at software you can win in any sector. This has been obvious since @pmarca's 2011 essay, but the implications still haven't been fully digested.
Read-only culture Suppose you were raised in a religious household, but didn't practice yourself. Growing up with these civilizational scripts means you can recognize them, perhaps repeat them, but cannot write them from scratch, let alone explain them. So too for a society.

- "If children can't write the scripts of the parents, if their access to ancestral culture is read-only, that culture won't be replicated."