113 Tweets by
Lex Fridman

When you turn your back on the voices of those who are in pain and who are angry, you breed hate. Love is the way out, not hate.

The power of the internet revealed through GameStop trading is inspiring. It's a reminder that people still have power to challenge institutions. This can lead to progress or chaos or both. That's the point. Freedom is empowering but unpredictable. And in the end, freedom wins.

over 2 years ago

Companies that copy ideas more often than inventing new ideas are uninspiring. I get that this might be a good short-term strategy, but it goes against the ideal of the human spirit: to dream, to invent, to create.

over 2 years ago

I love the moment when I realize I'm wrong. It's how learning happens, both for humans and machines. pic.twitter.com/3yvSeDV798

lexfridman tweet image
over 2 years ago

It should be easier to buy your thing than to pirate it. Make it easy for people to do the right thing. pic.twitter.com/usAz70HfIP

lexfridman tweet image
over 2 years ago

At some point in the future, most of online communication will be bots. And we humans won't know it.

How did anyone get anything done before the Internet was created? Also, how does anyone get anything done after it was created? People are a clever, adaptive bunch.

over 3 years ago

Respectful competition is productive. Dogmatic division is counter-productive.

over 2 years ago

Select numbers between 0 and 1 randomly until sum is > 1. The expected # of selections needed is equal to e.

over 2 years ago

Building increasingly intelligent AI systems will teach us more about human nature than about AI.

NFTs turn everything into a market. Our digital future is going to get wild.

over 2 years ago

Eventually, intelligent life will become mostly digital, except possibly for the low-level biological infrastructure required to sustain human consciousness.

over 2 years ago

"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche

over 2 years ago

We humans are better at pointing out the elephants in other rooms than in our own.

over 2 years ago

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." - Gandhi

over 2 years ago

"Speak softly and carry a big stick." - Teddy Roosevelt

over 2 years ago

One day a human child born on a distant planet will have to be taught about a place called Earth from where humankind originated.

over 2 years ago

"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." - George Washington, March 15, 1783

over 2 years ago

I appreciate it when my ego gets knocked down a notch by friends and strangers. It hurts in the short-term, but leads to growth in the long-term.

over 3 years ago

Great design and engineering is about love. Every time I hear Jony Ive speak, I can't help but smile.

over 3 years ago

Neurons in a culture dish trying to form connections with each other. Sped up to show 8 hours in 1 second. Bright spots are the neuron nuclei. We have 100 billion of these in our brain. Amazing. pic.twitter.com/0VFHVQ1bpC

over 2 years ago

First contact with aliens outside of Earth will likely be by robots not humans. So, we should probably teach our robots to make a good first impression.

over 2 years ago

I have an ego. It helps me work harder, but mostly it results in me speaking from emotion, saying things I don't mean, being a lesser version of the man I'd like to be. I'm starting to realize that long-term growth & happiness requires I get humbled daily. It never stops.

over 2 years ago

I suspect that a significant % of division and misinformation online is initiated and fueled by bots. Cybersecurity systems then have to defend not only our computers but our minds against digital mind viruses.

over 2 years ago

Hitler, Stalin, and Freud all lived in Vienna in 1913. It's fascinating to think how much of human history could've turned on chance encounters.

over 2 years ago

Bitcoin is serious. Dogecoin is fun. Life needs a bit of both.

over 2 years ago

In 1800, 43% of people died before the age of 5. Today, it's 4%.

over 2 years ago

Sharks were on Earth before trees. 400 million years vs 350 million years.

over 2 years ago

Life is short when you're having fun, and long when you're not. General Relativity describes how mass bends spacetime. I propose an extension to GR: fun bends spacetime too. Perhaps rocket propulsion systems of the future will create a wormhole in spacetime via the Fun Field.

over 2 years ago

"The line separating good and evil passes through every human heart. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains a small corner of evil." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

over 2 years ago