The amount of cement China has consumed is a staggering statistic and reminder of how much emissions have grown in low- and middle-income countries. (Minecraft concrete doesn’t count, though server farms are responsible for a lot of emissions.)…

This map from @OurWorldInData shows the progress we’ve made–but also highlights how much work we have left to do.
The French drank an impressive amount of wine in 1926, but their consumption is now a third of what it was back then. Why? I love how this book forces you to think about the story behind a seemingly niche statistic.

More than 80% of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in high- and upper-middle-income countries while less than 1% have been administered in low-income countries. This is both profoundly unfair and hinders progress towards ending the pandemic:

Select numbers between 0 and 1 randomly until sum is > 1. The expected # of selections needed is equal to e.
Every odd number has an "e" in it. one three five seven nine eleven ...
VeeFriends NFT statistics I use to look at sports cards as a kid at stuff like this .. then at wine 🍷 like this … now it’s my own project … this is just insane 😢…
Collection of scattered quotes & ideas from Thomas Sowell. "If the government took over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand."
Ever day, 138,000 people are lifted out of poverty. That's been the trend for the last 25 years. That could have been the headline of every newspaper for the last 25 years. But it isn't because things getting steadily better isn't news. It doesn't spark outrage, it doesn't sell.

On social mobility: 10% of Americans will spend at least a year in the top 1% percent. More than 50% of Americans will spent a year in the top 10% percent. h/t Taleb…
"Consumers who say they are not interested in using digital currencies most commonly point to the lack of information"…
60% = "Bitcoin are an important part of our organizations electronic payment strategy."…

There Is No Settled Mathematics
The Methods of Mathematics Are Fallible
1/ My friend @arunbansal forwarded me this article. Regarding probabilities, it is easy to get confused unless you communicate clearly what it represents.…
Trying to build my intuition on probability distributions in context of Bayesian worldview. For all that apparent simplicity, their behaviour can be incredibly interesting. Here are some of my recent 💡moments.

Just finished this #book on the history of Bayes theorem and I highly recommend it. In case you’re wondering what is it, keep reading. (A thread on Bayes theorem)