Large cities were considered unsustainable by many, before modern sanitation:

The phonograph was invented in the late 1800s, but for decades, recording technology was quite primitive by today's standards:

The transition from urban transit to automobiles was “enthusiastic”. “The twentieth-century urban ridership despised fixed rail transit.”

An ode to the jet engine

“Science was born when, with the progress of technology, the experimental method eventually overcame the social prejudice against manual labor and was adopted by rationally trained scholars” Edgar Zilsel, “The Sociological Roots of Science” (1942)

“Science was born when, with the progress of technology, the experimental method eventually overcame the social prejudice against manual labor and was adopted by rationally trained scholars”

Tinkering alone could never have created a sustained Industrial Revolution:

PSA: If you—or a friend who's coming to you for tech support—suddenly can't access certain websites today, they might be on a very old/outdated operating system. @letsencrypt's root certificate expired and older OSes don't have the new one:…
“I think America had a sort of national self-esteem crisis around the late '60s / early '70s, with Vietnam, Watergate, and the oil shocks all hitting around the same time.… I don't think we've ever fully recovered.” My interview with @Noahpinion:…
I'm seeing some people assume that an outage this large must have been due to a deliberate attack or sabotage. Absolutely not—this was almost certainly an ops mistake / misconfiguration. It is quite easy to shoot yourself in the foot this hard. No conspiracy required…

I'm seeing some people assume that an outage this large must have been due to a deliberate attack or sabotage.
Absolutely not—this was almost certainly an ops mistake / misconfiguration. It is quite easy to shoot yourself in the foot this hard. No conspiracy required
Did a prof at @UofR assign my history of factory safety for a class a couple weeks ago? (That's my guess based on Google Analytics.) Curious who it was and how it turned out!…

Did a prof at University of Rochester assign my history of factory safety for a class a couple weeks ago? (That's my guess based on Google Analytics.)
Curious who it was and how it turned out!
Don’t be a hashtag activist, build the future…
The isolation of rural families, before the telephone and mass media, is hard to comprehend today. (A story from the early life of Norman Borlaug, who was called “Norm boy” as a kid)

“If total factor productivity had continued to grow at its 1957 to 1973 rate then we today would be living in the world of 2076 rather than in the world of 2014” @ATabarrok…
Loved recording this episode with @jasoncrawford on Progress Studies, what we learn from the history of technology, and why some things take so long to be invented…
My interview with @matthewclifford: “what causes progress; why it's not universally popular; what the history of bicycle tells us about why advances in technology sometimes take so long; why the future people imagined in the 1960s didn't happen;” and more…
We're fortunate to have an Energy Secretary who's focused on creating high-quality jobs to build a clean energy economy. I look forward to working with @SecGranholm on clean tech innovation and deployment.
The technological transformation we need to address climate change can create good, safe jobs and build a more equitable, prosperous economy. To make that happen, we need to think big:
“We are closer than ever to building a world where safe sanitation service is a basic human right enjoyed by everyone, not just those with money and access to water.” – @Doulaye_bmgf
Ever heard a toilet be compared to an espresso machine? That’s how Dr. Shannon Yee describes the toilet he and his team have developed.
How much of the world population still lacks access to a toilet that safely removes waste from the home? Find the answer here:
I don’t think any of @ronnychieng’s innovations are ready to bring to market. Luckily, brilliant scientists and engineers around the world have developed hundreds of exciting solutions that will prevent illness and death:…

The first time I met David Sengeh, I was blown away by his intellect, his ambition, and his sense of humor. He has been a remarkable advocate for Sierra Leone, and I’m confident that we’ll be hearing about @dsengeh’s amazing work for decades to come.
“How do we use technology and innovation to solve today’s problems?” That’s the question David Sengeh, Sierra Leone’s chief innovation officer and education minister, is looking to answer with the country’s National Innovation and Digital Strategy:
#WorldAlzheimersDay is an inspiring reminder that hope is on the horizon. Brilliant scientists all over the world are working hard to stop Alzheimer’s disease—and they’re making terrific progress.
If we want to stop Alzheimer’s disease, one of the biggest things we need to develop is a reliable, affordable, and accessible diagnostic. Breakthroughs in testing may someday soon let us substantially alter the course of the disease: #WorldAlzheimersDay
What if your smart phone could detect Alzheimer’s? @TheADDF's Diagnostics Accelerator is working to make this a reality:
In times of innovation .. people struggle to see tomorrow because they look to yesterday for their answers

when you bet on the future "overpay" ....until you don't ...….

Bring back away/status messages.  When I’m taking a walk & want to catch up with a friend, I want to see which of my friends are also up for a chat vs who's busy. Or more broadly It'd be cool to see who also is in the mood to play sports or get food etc.