Biggest YouTuber In The World, 7-Year-Old ‘Like Nastya,’ Launches NFT With Gary Vaynerchuk’s @vaynernft Everyday … a lot going on .. in these unprecedented time’s … Projects like this expand the user base of this new technology #nft…
when you bet on the future "overpay" ....until you don't ...….

Watching kids learn with YouTube is fascinating for us who learned with textbooks. Wonder is just one click away.

Interesting interview with incoming $INTC CEO @PGelsinger…
Tech investors (the Dustin Hoffman character) wondering if it is safe to buy heavily back into big cap tech and fintech. (Mr. Market played by Sir Lawrence Olivier)…
What would an updated version of this ad from the '80s look like?…
I want all you millennials to know what song runs through the heads of baby boomers every time we log onto yet another video convence call. Every. Single. Time.
Youtube TV changing the play button into random icons (🏆 for the NBA Finals or 🌹for the bachelor) is my favorite little design nugget

Do you think Joe Rogan going to Spotify was a smart or bad move (for him)? My opinion: Smart as he got paid! But bad because his clips aren't on YouTube as much as he's less relevant, which sucks, because I love me some JRE.
Better explanation of @RoamResearch than any of our official videos - according to the youtube comments.…

Does YouTube plan to revise its censorship decisions based on the new CDC guidance?…