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Progress Studies
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in 1997, statistician David Banks wrote an essay titled "The Problem Of Excess Genius" – why are some periods and places so astonishingly more productive than the rest? His primary examples are Athens, Florence and London + another set of minor examples (Paris, New York) pic.twitter.com/28959lVBqx

visakanv tweet image

Excellent exploration of why some periods have way more creatives and innovators than others using interesting historical cases. read halfway through, come back later.

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We really should be in the middle of a golden age of productivity. Within living memory, computers did not exist. Photocopiers did not exist. *Backspace* did not exist. You had to type it all by hand.

Becoming the preeminent locus of agglomeration for the world's plucky up-and-comers has been one of the US's greatest achievements and most potent advantages. pic.twitter.com/YecTSthgVx

patrickc tweet image