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“Write like you speak” is copywriting 101. But what does it mean? It means engaging the user. Just like you would in a conversation. Not only blunt statements. Ask questions. Address the reader as one. You get the idea?

about 2 years ago

Good copywriters know about writing. Great copywriters know about people.

about 2 years ago

Copywriters always tell you "do deep research". But they never tell you where. Here's where: - Quora - Reddit - Other forums - Amazon reviews - Message boards - Competitors' ads - Competitors' sites --Facebook groups - Facebook ads library Bookmark this one.

about 2 years ago

Copywriting is the #1 money-making skill in the world. It's also such an old art/science that hundreds of legends have mastered the game and distilled it into short nuggets of wisdom. This thread is a collection of 16 of them. Keep reading 👇

about 2 years ago

Start practicing copywriting even if you have no clients. Here are the 4 easy steps to start: 1. Tweet on your own profile 2. Send traffic to a landing page you wrote 3. Send them emails you write 4. Offer a product/service/affiliate Then you have a portfolio to show clients!

about 2 years ago