Remember "TX & FL have done nearly as well as CA while staying 'open' " narrative? Let's look: CA deaths/100K=194 TX deaths/100K=262 FL deaths/100K=291 Dead Texans who'd be alive if TX matched CA death rate:19,741 Dead Floridians...:20,827 To me, "nearly as well" ≠ 40,000 lives.
Brandolini's Law, also known as the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle, states: "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."
American novelist Pearl Buck wrote one to be read year after year:…

A wonderful short story
Yale sucks at Marxist indoctrination.

Good thread indeed. I've found this book review by Keller to be a helpful, nuanced meditation on Christian nationalism:….…

For PCA friends at the 2021 GA. WLC 151 says these sins are more “heinous in God’s sight” than others- Paragraph 1: if the person doing the sin should know better or is a visible bad example to others. Paragraph 2: If the parties more immediately offended are—1/8
A few thoughts on dogwhistles. In How Propaganda Works, Jason Stanley (2015) argues that the pejorative content of a dogwhistle (which he calls “code words”) is conventionalized not-at-issue content. (see 'What’s wrong with dogwhistles' by Carlos Santana)…

@DPCassidyTKC @albertmohler @JonHaidt has provided good perspective. He notes that those on the left tend to be morally motivated by mercy and justice, while those on the right less on those but adding authority, sanctity, loyalty. We all tend to not see or validate moral foundations different than our own.
Critical Race Theory is not dividing the church. CRT is being weaponized by the beneficiaries of the racist status quo to discredit the witness of the sisters and brothers who’ve persevered under it.
Who is the demographic this tweet is appealing to? What work is it doing? **just a few days ago TK was challenged on 'what's the middle/third way between 'racism' and 'anti-racism' so I do wonder if this is in response to that**…
Thinking again about how the names Arctic and Antarctica just means “bears” and “no bears.”

This never occurred to me.
This was stunning and yet it also makes sense of so many things.…
Long 🧵! Some have said that my being attacked by both the “right” and the “left” is a sign I am teaching truth because truth is found in the middle between extremes. I appreciate the support, but that’s not accurate. 1/

I've heard this from Tim since 1986, this is nothing new, nothing that he has shaped for his New York City audience, despite what some have said