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🤖 Reasoning about AI risk usually turns on "agency." We have no coherent, shared understanding of what "agency" means, so most AI risk evaluations are confused and misleading. From Better without AI... twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/3EAAw43mZF

Meaningness tweet image

a probably-true concept i find hard to take seriously is "memories are stored in the body" because wtf? no they're not Recently I threw out my old accordion case, which I used to collect money when i was a busker, for many years. Was surprisingly hard aand I think I get it now pic.twitter.com/AVcm1jhASC

bashu_thanks tweet image
about 1 year ago

“A Second brain Found in the Heart” We think we know where memory is stored. We think we have one brain. Over 20 years ago I spent time with DR. PAUL PEARSALL, Ph. D. as he studied heart transplant recipients and transferred memories. It changed me and this will change you and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/mqBdUUyBkP

about 1 year ago

What is consciousness? New research in epileptics with electrodes planted deep in the brain shows that we still hear sounds while asleep, but we don’t process the information because we’ve activated alpha-beta waves. So cool 😎 tinyurl.com/2p9xfj68 pic.twitter.com/jSGCUuRph7

davidasinclair tweet image
over 1 year ago

1/ My summary/interpretation of the remarkable book by @NickJChater The Mind is Flat: The Remarkable Shallowness of the Improvising Brain Affiliate link: amzn.to/2KBEZJd