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one of the reasons to make things is to experience the world in more detail. paint once, and you pick up on how shadows lay. CAD something, you'll notice the filleting on your devices. life gets richer, and even more so if you get to share it with friends.

Recording a rapper who’s getting bullied at school… #bullying pic.twitter.com/LVJG1BRtlD

over 1 year ago

good stuff from @BlasMoros - on effortless mastery. Feels applicable to YouTube video creation too - I find that when I’m *trying less* to achieve some outcome, making the video feels better and probably *is* better too pic.twitter.com/vQjGwsZjQI

AliAbdaal tweet image
over 2 years ago

The writing process has two phases: Divergence & convergence. In the divergence phase, you playfully explore new ideas. In the convergence phase, you shift into a state of focus where you simplify your ideas so you can publish them. Collect the dots, then connect the dots. pic.twitter.com/wIEfnasmGl

david_perell tweet image
  • Atlas Phase One - "Collect the dots"
  • Atlas Long Term - "Connect the dots"
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David Foster Wallace’s story supports the thesis that the best creatives work in extreme spurts. At times, he would erupt with ideas and write 25,000 words in a single day pic.twitter.com/a2CcImmBI0

david_perell tweet image
  • "The best creatives work in extreme spurts"
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almost 3 years ago

Consuming is a myth. Whenever we watch or read something, we’re coming up with new ideas—otherwise, we get bored. So it’s not - consumption vs production it’s - creation vs boredom Mindless consumption isn’t fun, nor is it even really consuming. It’s noise.

over 3 years ago