Kids should not be so depressed about school that you can infer the school calendar based on suicide attempts.

Unbundle daycare and education. Daycare to make kids happy and socialized. Education to make them smart. Bundling them gets us the worst of both worlds.
Unbundle daycare and education. Daycare to make kids happy and socialized. Education to make them smart. Bundling them gets us the worst of both worlds.
Someday, not too far in the future, the idea of institutional coercive schooling is going to feel like a strange and archaic idea. Like having a king instead of a democracy.
A great rant on @slatestarcodex ‘s recent post on why schooling is mostly a waste of time: “Now that we've established that education is just daycare, let's discuss why. Over 30 years ago a group of parents decided to start a public school in my area. I thought they were mad. I……
This is insane. A new high school outside Dallas dedicated 1/3 of their floor space to entrepreneurship. The 1st floor is a mall, where 15+ local businesses set up shop so students can be mentored, apply for jobs & learn how to run a biz. There's also a: - recording studio -……
I have a bunch of anecdotes I want to weave together… here’s a wild one I keep thinking about. It is known that you can learn a new language better in 13 weeks by imitating children than by going to school for 4 years. this has not changed how we run schools…
The creator of Simcity, Will Wright, is one of the great thinkers of our times..

Still blows my mind that you can take ANY MIT COURSE you want, online, for free. Machine learning? Nuclear physics? Quantum computing? All there. Truly unreal.

High school-age students need an education in what I like to call the four things that make them TAME—and learn how to navigate them, so that they don't become it: 1) Technology 2) Artificiality 3) Money 4) Expectations My education didn't touch any. That's got to change.
Many of us can agree that the modern education system has many shortcomings: 1) One-size-fits-all Standardized curriculum is good at teaching the masses but doesn't foster individual learning styles, strengths, and interests. We need personalized learning, but it doesn't scale.
More positive signs of the gradual erosion of traditional schooling. Some Austin, TX based startup offering teachers ~$100,000 USD a year to work remotely helping children in their own time, etc. Not perfect (nothing is) - but: improvements everywhere!…
The best way to learn is through action

"150 of those, and they all know all of that for all of them, and they do that for fun. It really feels like maybe the problem's how we're trying to teach them."
Teen suicides plummeted in March '20, when schools shut due to COVID. Returning from online to in-person schooling was associated with a 12-18% increase in teen suicides, from @benconomics @SDSUCHEPS and Schaller

Subjects that should be taught in school: active communication, conflict resolution, attachment theory, emotional regulation, nervous system awareness, and how to create healthy relationship dynamics. Education needs a paradigm shift.
some ppl responding are like 'but aella ur childhood was abnormal, this isn't actually a societal default' no, *most parents* just go and send their kids to school, which i find to be the biggest quietly accepted thing we'll one day as a civilization look back on with horror…
I want to see a school that: •Has no majors •Focuses on independent study •Preaches curiosity and exploration •Awards no grades •Optimizes for collaboration •Provides advisors / coaches •Encourages public sharing •Teaches mastery •Sells personal transformation
People ask why Synthesis stops at 14. The answer is that if we do our job right the kids have a good enough general education by 14 to take on real problems. It’s only a historical anomaly that we extend adolescence to age 22.
Crazy how the default behavior when u don't know what to do with ur life is to incur a ton of debt to keep going to school In the moment where you want to preserve maximum optionality you immediately go shut a ton of doors and make your life way more difficult in the long run
If you don't think the education system is broken, read these 10 tweets 🪡
Universal compulsory education is a 20th Century phenomenon. We might soon realize it’s no longer socially or economically beneficial to force kids to spend 10+ years in school.
I had the chance of a lifetime to start Ad Astra School with @elonmusk for the kids of @SpaceX employees. To share the best of Ad Astra with kids around the world, I started @synthesischool with @chrismanfrank My thoughts on creating enthralling education & a brighter future 👇🏼
In 1984 a researcher named Bloom found that students learning mastery-based and with one-on-one mentorship perform two standard deviations better than those in a conventional classroom. Incredible to know, but too expensive to do anything about, so nothing changed.

I’ll let you in on a secret. I have a doctorate in education, but the field’s basically just a 100 years old. We don’t really know what we’re doing. Our scholarly understanding of how learning happens is like astronomy 2000 years ago. Most classroom practice is astrology.…

- "Banking model --> kids are like piggy banks: empty till you fill them with knowledge that you're the expert in."
- "Our scholarly understanding of how learning happens is like astronomy 2000 years ago. "
- "Before the late 19th century, no human society had ever attempted to formally educate the entire populace"
- We use "the elite “Lyceum” style of instruction even though it’s ineffectual with most kids."
- Homework doesn't really help, especially younger kids.
- Students don't learn a thing from testing. Most teachers don't either (it's supposed to help them tweak instruction, but that rarely happens).