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- "Human equality isn’t self-evident at all."
- "Our “unalienable rights” are a result not of secular rationalism, but rather an omnipotent God who endows us with those rights"
- "Religious or not, every Westerner bathes in the waters of Christian ideology"
- "Is Christianity true?” And if you think it’s bogus, then: “Why do I let these ideas influence my worldview so strongly?”"

  • General
    • I have so many thoughts on this, stemming from my existential trip down the moral philosophy rabbit hole in my early twenties. I started writing them down here but I think I need to write a whole separate post. In short - I agree that "fundamental human rights don't exist without religion", meaning I believe "human rights are a man-made idea", but I also believe very strongly that 1. We can and should still build our society around them. In the same way we invented and now adhere to the concept of "law", "companies" and "currency", all of which are also man-made ideas.
    • I've seen the "Christianity is responsible for universal human rights" take in many places, and I always wonder - were there not many other religions which espoused the same mantra - Hinduism and Buddhism spring to mind. Would love to read some critiques to understand whether society would have adopted these norms anyway, and whether it is a case of "History is written by the winners"
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