- "The New American Dream is to build a profitable, sustainable, remote software business that can be run from anywhere, scales nicely, and prints money"
- 4 surges of technological development
- Industrial Revolution: 1771 - 1829
- Age of Steam and Railways: 1829 - 1873
- Age of Steel and Heavy Engineering: 1975 - 1918
- Age of Oil, Autos, and Mass Production: 1908 - 1974
- The Information and Communications Technology Revolution: Started in 1971 and still happening
- All characterized by
- Some critical factor of production suddenly becoming very cheap.
- Some new infrastructure being built.
- A laissez-faire period of wrenching innovation followed by a bubble, a post-bubble recession, a re-assertion of institutional authority, and then a period of consolidation and wide spread of the gains in productivity from using the new technology.
- We are moving into the “Deployment Age,” characterized by widespread acceptance and application of the new paradigm of information and communications technology.
- Conclusion
- "You no longer need to be an engineer to build a software-enabled business"
- "We’re moving towards a more entrepreneurial economy, which will lead to an explosion of niche software-enabled companies"
- People on the Internet are increasingly becoming companies.
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