@fahdananta Gym pass with a steam and sauna. $100/m Dream beam powder. Used to be addicted to sleeping pills. Moved to Beam. Sleep like a baby shopbeam.com/gregisenberg $75/m Milk Frother. Make cappuccinos everyday. From Amazon. Was like $50
The esoteric deep sleep secret That supplement companies don't want you to know about Topical magnesium on lymph nodes + camomile tea (apigenin) Will send you to realms you didn't even know existed Try it out and return with your tales from the 5th dimension pic.twitter.com/mDDqb146nf
I wake up much more easily in rooms with east-facing windows, but sadly my bedroom doesn't face east So I experimented with sunrise alarms to simulate direct sunlight... and it helped a lot! If you struggle with waking up like me, you may want to try it: amzn.to/3Hg33iJ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
- Had never heard about this before as a thing that affects sleep quality
Peter Attia's Longevity Routine This is everything @peterattiamd does to optimize for longevity (01:06) Peter takes his sleep seriously. He's in bed from 10PM - 6AM, resulting in ~7.5 hours of shut-eye. He uses an Eight Sleep mattress cover. (01:57) Peter's pre-bed routine:… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/VvV7AcLpmB
My favorite purchase this year <$35 The Relaxator A small, plastic adjustable diaphragm trainer I’ve always had breathing issues - chalked up to allergies and a deviated septum In less than six weeks it totally changed the way I breathe and sleep It will help you with 4-7-8 pic.twitter.com/H0K6r58W6a twitter.com/systemsunday/s…
Magnesium relaxes you L-Theanine helps you fall asleep Inositol stops you from waking up All without any nasty side effects Try them
- Thread has 44k likes, but having read it doesn't seem to offer anything novel - makes a big assumption that not being able to stop thinking is what prevents sleep, which hasn't been my experience. Saving to return to.
Everyone says sleep more. No one says sleep better. 9 Ways to optimize the quality of your sleep: pic.twitter.com/CDRNhHguYU