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💡 Idea-stage Twitter bootstrapper toolkit: 1️⃣ A simple personal brand 2️⃣ A 3-words-or-less hook (re: your biz) 3️⃣ #1 relentlessly discusses #2 Bonus: An emoji marketing asset Goal: Be super easy-to-recall, so you can harvest organic reach. Some examples 👇

about 4 years ago

I’m a firm believer that more & more entrepreneurial ‘builders’ will evolve their operating company into a HoldCo Scaling initial capital light successes (like a service co) & redeploying cash flow into concentrated bets leveraging existing know-how, infrastructure, & expertise

  • Interesting thread - has keywords that piqued my interest but still feels a bit opaque - reached out to the author to see if he's interested in a call.
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about 4 years ago

Two years ago (on my actual birthday) I received this rejection letter from a VC failing to raise money for my startup. Here's how I kept bootstrapping and ended up with a multi-million dollar exit. A thread./ pic.twitter.com/rJhtk0tP6S

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about 3 years ago