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"I had this crazy idea that I’m going to build a database engine that does not have a server, that talks directly to disk, and ignores the data types, and if you asked any of the experts of the day, they would say, “That’s impossible. That will never work. That’s a stupid idea.”… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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about 1 year ago

TIL you can run SQL queries directly against CSV files as a one-liner using the default sqlite3 command line utility til.simonwillison.net/sqlite/one-lin… pic.twitter.com/3FQKRrTYx3

simonw tweet image
Saved to Sqlite
over 2 years ago

Also SQLite3’s Full Text Search combined with triggers is absolutely mind blowing. Indexed 50GB of data in 10 lines of SQL and it queries under 20ms… This technology exists literally running on our toasters and we still throw Postgres and Elasticsearch at trivial problems.

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almost 2 years ago

I love SQLite so much. And I love that I can point @prisma at a SQLite file, and some day migrate to MySQL / Postgres and basically need no application changes. I wonder how much data I can chuck into a SQLite db and at what point it will become slower to access than MySQL 🧐

over 3 years ago