6 Tweets about
Email hacks
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The quality of the conversations I've been having with people over email, after sparking topics via HEY World, are just in another league from most internet forum interactions (including this wretched site). Debating without a stage feels wonderful.

The death of email has been predicted for a long time. Yet, it's still with us. So will it ever be replaced? Productivity expert @dhh, the co-founder and CTO of Basecamp, talks about his love/hate relationship with email and how the medium could evolve. cbc.ca/radio/spark/fi…

This idea was born just last month when I learned about the immense waste that goes into storing all those emails only data snoopers ever access again. Now we are almost ready to launch 🌱 twitter.com/dhh/status/136…

Gmail taught us to keep every email forever because they wanted more data to mine. But what are you actually storing and why? Newsletters from years ago? Notifications? Marketing? Don’t be an email hoarder, recycle! ♻️❤️✌️ twitter.com/heyhey/status/…

"We really all do need to think about what we can do, big and small, to squander fewer resources. Recycling your emails isn't going to turn any big tides, but if it's easy to do, helps you anyway, why wouldn't you?" world.hey.com/dhh/hey-will-s…