When companies become so big that individual states are afraid to take them on out of fear of retaliatory lawsuits or revoking access to essential platforms, you know that the monopoly-funded power they wield is out of control. twitter.com/dhh/status/136…

Great discussion @SquawkAlley about Apple monopoly abuses, why the states that are coming after North Dakota might not be as easily intimidated (hint hint @JeffWeninger 😄), and why its good to have friends when you're going up against THE MOST VALUABLE COMPANY IN THE WORLD! twitter.com/CNBCTechCheck/…
This is what a lot of people don't seem to understand. Apple allows a ton of HUGE COMPANIES to simply pay Apple only the $99/year developer fee (which bring in hundreds of millions of dollars per year!), but then extort the 15% of app devs that dare sell digital goods/services. twitter.com/TimSweeneyEpic…
24-year old Chinese graduate student is moved between jail, psychiatric ward, and an isolation cell in a notorious detention facility after self-reporting a visa overstay during her studies due to Covid. Grotesque story of willfully cruel treatment. thelocal.dk/20210216/denma…
Nothing creates fans like being held prisoner to a subscription you no longer want. twitter.com/mikediliberto/…
This is an ongoing disgrace from @nytimes. It should not take 17 MINUTES(!!!) to cancel your subscription. imgur.com/a/K8m7p2t

I hadn't used respond_to format.atom in Rails for years. BUT WE'RE BRINGING SEXY BACK! 🤘
We are all just uniquely quirky and artsy!! (In exactly the same corporate and conformative way 😂). twitter.com/wakefield00/st…

Brilliant. A coordinated campaign to get the UK's ICO to enforce the rules against spy pixels in emails. If you live in the UK, please consider participating. You can literally help change the internet. If the ICO issues a ruling, the dominos will fall. notospypixels.com
Denmark is going to follow in Australia's footsteps and let Danish media companies bargain collectively for compensation from Facebook and Google. politiken.dk/kultur/medier/…
It's amazing what kind of legislation can be passed when laws are not for sale like in the US. twitter.com/AP/status/1362…

The original link in his post to the video no longer works, but someone put a copy on YouTube (alas the slides were lost). Startup School 2008. I wasn't invited back the following year 😂 youtube.com/watch?v=0CDXJ6…

I just realized that I haven't had any good tech recruiter spam in years. Did recruiters stop spamming in general or did they just stop spamming me?
The internet is healing. theverge.com/2021/2/19/2229…
What shocked me most about the North Dakota bill - that would have forced Apple to give all app developers the same choice in payment processing - was how many people just assumed that Apple would cut off North Dakota from the iOS ecosystem. twitter.com/TheOnion/statu…
In my romantic, counterfactual dreams of Steve Jobs, I have him pulling @tim_cook aside and saying: “Do you really want to be a monopolist for the rest of your life, or do you want to change your mind and change the world?”. It’s never too late to choose to be different.
That walk of shame when you have to write up the incident report for an incident that wasn't but you managed to freak out over anyway 🙈 pic.twitter.com/wS9UnKBywP

This is the best explainer you'll find on the Australian law that made Facebook cut off an entire continent from sharing news. Goes beyond the shallow reading of "this is a link tax". If you can about the future of the internet, you should read it. mattstoller.substack.com/p/facecrook-de…
"Apple: Developers had to pay 70% before the App Store was invented", this is just terrible, horrible misinformation. Ugh. Sad to hear Apple advance this.
Remember the Web 1.0 vibe? It's out! It's called HEY World. The simplest possible way for @jasonfried and I to start writing emails to the world. Incredibly slim pages, zero trackers, zero JavaScript, minimal CSS. Like the olden days. I'll be writing here: world.hey.com/dhh
"Less software only has one champion: you, the maker. You can't ask customers for just how much less they'd actually use, you can only show them." world.hey.com/dhh/less-softw…
77% of @heyhey customers use our iOS app. If Apple had been successful with their threat to kick us out of the App Store last summer, we would have been dead. Also, love the "scrutiny is reasonable BUT THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE" doublespeak. twitter.com/munster_gene/s…
Maybe we could get the on-off richest man in the world to buy a bunch of them? I'm sure that would turn out totally fine, no problem at all! twitter.com/RMac18/status/…

"The world is different today than it was in 2005! The honeymoon consumers afforded "the free internet" is over. Tons of them have realized that they'd rather pay for a product with cash money than with their privacy, their data, or their attention." world.hey.com/dhh/we-will-mo…
"Caring about privacy today is where caring about organic food was in the 90s. Still the preoccupation of a niche group of people, who might seem a little strange to those who haven't given the topic much thought, but one that's on the cusp of mainstream." world.hey.com/dhh/organic-fo…
This crazy scheme actually worked! There are many tens of thousands of paying HEY customers today. And we've already signed up hundreds of paying companies as well, even though HFW rolled out like five minutes ago. People are willing to pay for a product and not be the product. twitter.com/dhh/status/124…
As the world keeps looking for ways to address the Google/Facebook duopoly on online advertising, the root-cause solution is still right here in front of us: Ban targeted advertising! Make all that data hoarding and privacy exploitation unprofitable. wired.com/story/why-dont…
Why?? SubStack let’s publishers a subscription, why does it also need to be a surveillance trap? Love that it’s enabling journalists. Hate that they have to subject their readers to this tracking regime. twitter.com/alexhern/statu…

But people who snoop on others with spy pixels also aren't ready for those victims to know what's going on. I'm really glad we're changing that! It's well over due that people can't just get away with this any more. twitter.com/schill_jan/sta…