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Proof of Stake requires trust in top Stakers b/c there's no way to countervail their higher stake. Proof of Work requires zero trust in top Hashers b/c it's always getting cheaper/easier to countervail their higher hash. It's that simple. twitter.com/BitcoinMagazin…

The Lightning Dev Kit project is building tools and libraries that make it easy to integrate #Lightning features in #Bitcoin wallets: lightningdevkit.org @spiralbtc @jack ⚡️ pic.twitter.com/P2VO1Ejs5P

BTC_LN tweet image
about 2 years ago

Fees will collapse, gas will become abundant, tokens will largely fail to capture any economic rent outside aside from their use as a censorship resistant store of value. twitter.com/QwQiao/status/…

about 2 years ago

The single biggest “risk” for Bitcoin IMO is the aggressive way the block reward subsidy drops. It’s a dangerous game of Russian roulette in which the Bitcoin network pulls the trigger and prays the price shoots up. So far it’s worked out fine though. Thoughts?

about 2 years ago

Ethereum is useful f/lots of reasons, but sovereignty isn't 1 of them. This is why PoW is more secure than PoS. The fundamental security flaw of PoS is that it gets increasingly harder to countervail the control authority of stakers over time, forcing users to trust them pic.twitter.com/LhH6MOVpFp

JasonPLowery tweet image

Proof-of-Work versus Proof-of-Stake redux The difference between PoW and PoS becomes starkly clear once you understand these 2 things: * PoS is a modified, weaker form of PoW * Energy efficiency and conservation of energy A thread. 1/

Understand #Bitcoin like a pro Here are 10 best YouTube discussions on Bitcoin 👇 $BTC

Saved to bitcoin
about 2 years ago

"There's a lot of unused green power in the world. Quebec province has unused hydropower that is two times more than the #Bitcoin network. That province could run the entire Bitcoin network and have spare capacity left over." - @adam3us pic.twitter.com/xK7WPSpkBS

about 2 years ago

BREAKING: The Korea Teacher's Credit Union, which has more than $45 billion in assets, is now purchasing bitcoin for their balance sheet. (h/t @iamjosephyoung)

about 2 years ago

BREAKING: Mastercard set to announce plan to allow all merchants to accept #Bitcoin and offer $BTC rewards – CNBC pic.twitter.com/ApqxFJuV4q

BitcoinMagazine tweet image
about 2 years ago