3 Tweets about
proof of stake
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Proof of Stake requires trust in top Stakers b/c there's no way to countervail their higher stake. Proof of Work requires zero trust in top Hashers b/c it's always getting cheaper/easier to countervail their higher hash. It's that simple. twitter.com/BitcoinMagazin…

Ethereum is useful f/lots of reasons, but sovereignty isn't 1 of them. This is why PoW is more secure than PoS. The fundamental security flaw of PoS is that it gets increasingly harder to countervail the control authority of stakers over time, forcing users to trust them pic.twitter.com/LhH6MOVpFp

JasonPLowery tweet image

Proof-of-Work versus Proof-of-Stake redux The difference between PoW and PoS becomes starkly clear once you understand these 2 things: * PoS is a modified, weaker form of PoW * Energy efficiency and conservation of energy A thread. 1/