3 Tweets by
Jane McGonigal
2.3 billion people play 🎮 games regularly. Those who understand the power and potential of games will be the ones who shape our future. 5 takeaways from a conversation between @shaneaparrish and @avantgame 👇🏼 podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/101…

over 2 years ago
"Why are we letting someone else design our kids’ everyday lives?" @avantgame 💎👇🏼

over 3 years ago
Here's a great example that @avantgame shared on @patrick_oshag podcast: How Games Make Life Better. The New York Public Library asked Jane for help with a specific problem: young people did not come to physical libraries anymore. podcasts.apple.com/pa/podcast/inv…

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The Future Of Education
Knowledge Work
Patrick OShaughnessy
Jane McGonigal
Ana Lorena Fabrega
over 2 years ago