4 Tweets about
Angel Investing
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🎉The /dev/invest Discord has a new moderator and a new Twitter feed!!! Follow/join: @dev_invest_feed This has been one of the most requested features from community members. Huge thanks to @JohnPhamous for setting up a nice #lowcode automation on @Airtable!

over 2 years ago

I was just trapped in a snowstorm in a 2-bedroom apartment 72 hours with one of the most powerful venture capitalists in the world. This person (@andrewchen) is a partner at Andreessen Horowitz I asked them how to get rich through angel investing. Here's what they told me...

  • Now infamous tweet. Kind of lays bare that mimesis and hype play a huge role in venture - says the quiet part out loud.
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almost 3 years ago

.@mariodgabriele wrote a great overview of micro PE recently soon, I think an internet-native version of PE will become more popular than being a VC-backed founder bc - founders get majority control - diversification - predictable cash flow - liquidity here's how it could work

Rolling Funds - Everything You Need to Know [THREAD] After listening to everything on the topic from the likes of: • @naval • @shl@avlok • @APompliano • @ShaanVP • @HarryStebbings • @Alex_Danco Here's what I learned about @AngelList's Rolling Funds in 10 tweets👇🏼