How to get a free MBA on Twitter in 10 days:
When distribution is proprietary, distribution wins (Comcast vs Netflix), when distribution is commoditized, best product wins (chrome vs IE), when product is commoditized, best service wins (Amazon vs others), when service is commoditized, best network wins.
The cool thing about our pod is that I learn just as much you listeners: @ShaanVP taught me about something I've struggled with for years: building a management team that fits a crazy founders strengths/weaknesses. Its: EPAI. Entrepreneur, Producer, Administrator, Integrator
- EPAI. Entrepreneur, Producer, Administrator, Integrator
Many hard problems have a ratio of about 98 points of generic execution to 2 points of domain expertise, but most organizations hire on something like 20 points of weighting to horsepower versus 80 points to expertise. This is predictable and exploitable.…
Universities, Incubators, and Venture Capital firms are really “Curation Businesses.”