It seems well-acknowledged that listening so others feel heard and understood is a skill, but I've been thinking about how speaking so that you are more likely to end up feeling heard and understood is also a skill. What have you noticed? What expression helps you feel heard?
I can’t stop thinking about how much better leaders former military folks are, than the average SMB leader. One of the biggest differences I’ve seen is the idea of “written orders”. Here’s what they are, and how to adapt them for your small business. Bookmark This. I spent……
I've been chasing the art and craft of great conversations for most of my life. Here are my top 20 techniques:

Here’s the thing: Being in America is like a bootcamp crash course in communication! It’s astonishing how any random person here has the communication skills of a top skill European. I’m pretty good with words but always learn so very much here!
1/ There's a communications technique called "Public Narrative". Created by a Harvard prof, it has influenced leading politicians (Obama) and business people (Bezos). Once you learn it, you see it in Vlad Tenev's GameStop speech. Let me explain 🧵