Pavel Tsatsouline: Whole Body Benefits of Kettle Bell Training - YouTube

- "Anti-glycolitic"
- "Only swings and dips"
- I would argue the swing is the most beneficial exercise anyone can do.
- "You're training mitochondria in the fast fibers. You're training your connective tissues".
- Then the dip covers what's not missed with swings.
- "General vs specific training."

Best Exercises for Overall Health

- Really really high-insight and should return to this again and again
- Figure out your Vo2 max and be in the top 5 percentile.
- "Until you have your exercise house in order, worrying about supplelments/diet is stupid."

Max Lugavere

- "We're overfed & under nourished"
- "Beauty & health are different. "
- "Diseases of civilization"
- "60% of calories from processed foods"
- If you say "Eat until you're full" with processed foods, people will on average eat about 500 calories past what's recommended.
- "Mouthwash is a major problem"
- Nukes nitric oxide which is key in regulating
- Anyone who uses mouthwash twice a day is 2x as likely to develop type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
- "Exercise is as powerful as medicine for regulating blood pressure" Dental
- Floss & brush daily, eat evolutionarily appropriate diet.