High protein diet AFTER fat loss prevents weight regain by fighting microbiome change "refeeding a high-protein diet after short-term dietary restriction attenuates intestinal lipid absorption and represses fat accumulation by preventing Lactobacillus growth." pic.x.com/qaOFThacwg

nutritional research data per instance >oh this paper says fat is good >oh this paper says keto is good >oh this paper says keto saves lives >oh this paper says keto sucks >oh this paper says fat is bad >oh this paper says coffee is great >oh this paper says coffee is toxic twitter.com/naval/status/1…
EAT POOP TO LOSE FAT! Do I have your attention? In this post I'm going to explain why people get sucked into believing BS from influencers who claim to be 'science based' These are the most insidious of scammers because they wear the veil of 'science' while being full of it
Today, I am going to red-pill you about vegetable oils. Make sure you bookmark and share this post: 1. Unnatural Extraction Process: Unlike coconut or olive oil, which can be extracted through pressing, seed oils like canola, soybean, and corn oil require unnatural methods for… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/2Y1bZ5vKvM

Next wave of mainstream vegan propaganda incoming. The vegan twins consumed fewer calories (diet satisfaction was lower) and lost weight. And while their LDL went down, their HDL also went down. Subjects were also on these diets for only 8 weeks, which isn't long enough for the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… twitter.com/gardnerphd/sta…
What’s the state of the art for LLM and/or computer vision for meal and calorie tracking? What’s the most impressive demo you’ve seen? I assume there is already a very impressive paid mobile app.
These 10 videos completely changed the way I thought about nutrition. They also exponentially improved my health (🧵): pic.twitter.com/oUiNAvHYML

The Relationship Between Plant-Based Diet and Risk of Digestive System Cancers: A Meta-Analysis Based on 3,059,009 Subjects 🔘Authors conclude "Plant-based diets were protective against cancers of the digestive system." frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
About a decade ago I did a bunch of research on published nutritional studies, and as a result: -I ate less carbs and industrial seed oils. -I ate more meat, fish, eggs, whole dairy, natural fruit oils like coconut/olive/avocado. -I kept eating veggies, berries, etc. as desired.
I really don’t get why it isn’t bigger news that we now have an extremely effective weight loss medication gq-magazine.co.uk/lifestyle/arti…
Every piece of fitness advice I could come up with after 6 years in the gym: 1. Stop drinking alcohol.
Fat, carbs, meat and sugar do not cause disease. You know how I know? Check out these tribes:
i never realized how important beauty was until i started actively trying to add more to my life. now i will never stop aestheticsmaxxing how to live an aesthetic life: pic.twitter.com/xFQdTdz5Ul

Carb intake had no effect on weight regain or blood sugar levels. Surprised even the researchers mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/7… pic.twitter.com/MSDfIpsSrX

Taming the World’s Leading Killer An article was published this week that has findings which could save millions of lives. Why did you miss it? Because there was zero media coverage of it. Zero! Tells you something. Tells you a lot, actually. So, here are the details. 1/thread

- "High blood pressure is the world's leading killer"
- "It can be prevented (mostly by lowering sodium) & treated,"