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Word Play
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The term “hard hat”, apparently, doesn't come from the hat being hard, exactly. It was originally called the “hard-boiled hat”. According to safety historian Mark Aldrich, it was meant to appeal to tough workers who thought that danger was manly and resisted safety equipment!

According to safety historian Mark Aldrich, it was meant to appeal to tough workers who thought that danger was manly and resisted safety equipment.

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So much of what we do can be best explained by inertia. we do what we do because we were already doing it. That's not a good enough reason to spend your time and talent on it! Make sure this is what you would choose TODAY! Inertia is a b*tch! pic.twitter.com/ReTLM1OxB4

ShaanVP tweet image
over 2 years ago

I thought “boofing” meant to vomit. Used it in a meeting the other day. Unfortunately, boofing doesn’t mean what I thought it meant.

over 3 years ago

Thomas Edison invented a ton of great stuff. But his greatest invention of all: the word “hello”. People used to say “greetings” or “good day” before him. “Hello” existed. But it was pronounced differently and used as an expression of surprised.

Be wary of anything that starts with the word “social.”

over 2 years ago

The word literal is a semantic tell that whatever comes next is likely an exaggeration.

over 2 years ago

Thought of the day: There is no word in the English language I love more than "kerfuffle."