7 Youtube Videos by
Balaji Srinivasan
Balaji Srinivasan: How to Fix Government, Twitter, Science, and the FDA | Lex Fridman Podcast #331
  • In the early part, where they talk about Dom Hoffman/simulation theory etc., it becomes really clear that Balaji isn't an expert on everything - in that his "answer" is saying he's more into "hard science" and that because we can make fake eyes, that means subjective experiences/qualia can be engineered in a universal way - completely avoids the subject rather than probing to understand it more.
Breakpoint 2021 Talk by Balaji Srinivasan - YouTube
Solidity Tutorial - A Full Course on Ethereum, Blockchain Development, Smart Contracts, and the EVM

This video teaches the basics of Solidity programming for the Ethereum blockchain. The basic step to create Dapps.

Balaji Srinivasan at Startup School 2013

Concept of Voice vs Exit. Voice - try to change/modify the system itself. Exit - quit the system, go or start an alternate one without constraints or locks. Crucial element of democracy is to reduce the barrier to exit. 'Giving people a way to escape influence of bad policies on their lives without getting involved in politics'.

Crypto is the Future of Our Society
Balaji Srinivasan - Bitcoin and Ethereum, Crypto Oracles, and More | The Tim Ferriss Show
Presentation on Network State

Great video about how Balaji would build out a network state - combining everything from crypto, tax, digital nomads, foot voting and more.

almost 3 years ago