I often found myself on a tedious hunt for movies & TV shows that weren't available for streaming in my country. Realizing the need for a seamless solution, we created one. Introducing whereto.stream pic.twitter.com/9NURiYNyOM
Reusable Turbo-iOS Project Configured Entirely From Your Rails App including app colors, navbar buttons, tabbar tabs, triggering backend javascript, toggling functionality whether user is logged in. #rails #rubyonrails #turboios #iosdev dev.to/dalezak/reusab…
Holy cow zx from Google is game changing! It lets you write shell scripts with Node.js without the hassle github.com/google/zx pic.twitter.com/AlWcsD0JE7
✨ I'm happy to announce, that basetools.io is in beta! It is a paywall for your Github repository or npm package. Just connect to GitHub, set a price, and charge for access to your repository.
- Charge for access to a package
🌈 Announcement I’ve launched a cohort-based course on deepening relationships! I’ll teach live classes that integrate everything I've learned as a facilitator of Stanford GSB's famous "Touchy Feely" class on interpersonal dynamics. Enroll: relatingbetweenthelines.com
- Highly recommended by Tiago Forte
If you ever need to delegate a task, follow these steps. 1) Outline the vision. 2) Share resources. 3) Describe your definition of done. Done right, this system will save you hundreds of hours. pic.twitter.com/k3ipGxe4y4
1) Outline the vision.
2) Share resources.
3) Describe your definition of done.
If you make more than $100k per year you should have a Virtual Assistant. If you don't, you're wasting your time on stuff that doesn't matter. Here's the process I've created to find, interview, and manage great VA's after doing this for 5 years:
The types of VA's:
1. Individual Freelancers (Low cost & High cost)
2. Agency VA's (High cost)
We are about to wrap up our initial work on Buerli, the webs first embeddable CAD. Registrations and public betas will be available in January 2021. Check us out: buerli.io. If you have questions, feel free to contact us! 🎅🎄 pic.twitter.com/PfYzfzZbfQ
Ever needed to convert HTML to Markdown? This little app by @domchristie does it so well! domchristie.github.io/turndown/ It's the only one I found (online) that let me convert my code blocks to fenced code blocks and specify my preferences re: bullets, headings etc. ❤️