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Getting people to agree on copy is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Second only to birth.

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over 2 years ago

is my brain broken by tech or is it ridiculous that writing tools don't have some form of branching and merging

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over 2 years ago

One thing I've consistently had to relearn in developer marketing: "Talk benefits, not features" doesn't work! Developers are sick of vague promises and wary of black boxes. Instead: - Demo - reach Wow! in <10 mins - Explain how it works - Show how real companies use in prod

over 2 years ago

@CasJam @TransistorFM The most effective content seems to be “How I use X for Y” “How Jane uses @ZipMessageApp for outbound sales.” “How @ConvertKit uses @TransistorFM to connect with creators.” ☝️ I need to invest more in this type of storytelling + content.

I shared an article in my For The Interested newsletter this week from @randfish about how to find people to amplify your work. Here's a thread of key ideas from it...

over 3 years ago

Holy cow zx from Google is game changing! It lets you write shell scripts with Node.js without the hassle github.com/google/zx pic.twitter.com/AlWcsD0JE7

giuseppegurgone tweet image
over 2 years ago