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This is exactly how to turn your expertise into a content strategy: pic.x.com/81ijlbw7ww

landforce tweet image
6 months ago

Remember that viral Snoop Dogg smokeless fireplace social post? Yeah, it went viral. And Marketing Twitter loved it. It also didn't generate sales. And got their CEO fired. We call far too much marketing "brilliant" just because it's different. thedaily.outdoorretailer.com/news/people/so… pic.twitter.com/HkxN64ZRQs

jappleby tweet image
Saved to Marketing
5 days ago

Monthly reminder to read this book if you haven't ↓ You'll get so much better at marketing after reading it. pic.twitter.com/SDB3Z7aY7s

dannypostmaa tweet image
Saved to Marketing
9 months ago

The easiest way to grow your SaaS to $100,000 in less than 6 months.... βœ… Facebook Ads. That's it... ❌ No Personal Brand ❌ No Email Lists ❌ No Blog Posts Here's how we did it πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡πŸ» pic.twitter.com/yRIOESUJoQ

ImSamThompson tweet image
over 2 years ago

I used to invest heavily in marketing automation, tracking, attribution, configuring funnels, and retargeting. But after 13 years of doing marketing for SaaS companies... I'm convinced that 90% of it is unnecessary.

over 3 years ago

THREAD: πŸ’» 50 Lessons In Developer Marketing πŸ’» I spent the past few weeks scouring the web for the best articles, reports, and interviews on developer marketing. Think developers hate marketing? Think again. They just hate yours. 1 Tweet = 1 Lesson = 1 Article Let's go πŸš€

over 2 years ago

Study B2B SaaS companies and you'll find that they do these parts of marketing better than anyone else: β€’ Onboarding β€’ Content marketing β€’ Conferences β€’ Engineering as marketing β€’ Partner & reseller programs Steal these lessons ↓

I chatted with early @airtable employee and angel investor @edavidpeterson about the current state of product-led growth. He shared some awesome insights into how today's best SaaS companies are learning from the challenges faced by @Dropbox, @SlackHQ and other early PLG co'sπŸ‘‡ pic.twitter.com/AyFUWQcyc6

janerikasplund tweet image
  • Adopters are not necessarily buyers, complicating the sales process
  • Layering on sales once you’re growing quickly can create toxic politics
  • Simple PLG product design doesn’t align with enterprise customer needs
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Long-tail SEO is GOLD. I published a piece of content 9 days ago. No promoting, no links, no tactics. Domain Rating: 24. 286 clicks from 1.93k impressions, and ranking in the top 10 for 14 keywords. The wild thing is, this content will keep bringing traffic for months/years.

over 2 years ago

One of the most legendary marketers of all time: David Ogilvy In 1982, David wrote an internal memo to the employees of his advertising agency titled "How to write." And in just 10 bullets he put together a masterclass in effective writing. Here's a breakdown of each one: pic.twitter.com/MxRYuQRLyA

dickiebush tweet image

SaaS positioning is hard and people get confused by it I do the positioning work for all of Powered By Search's clients Here's the process I follow for getting clear positioning every time:

over 3 years ago

First of all, the research was exquisite. Ipsos started with dozens of interviews, then fielded thousands of surveys and clustered their findings into a segmentation. The work was par excellence.

  • "Personas, even well-researched ones, are worthless for marketing. "
  • At the end, everyone wanted a system that.
  • Buyers trust
  • Makes checkout easy
  • Works with merchants' existing systems
  • Isn't too expensive
  • Helps manage fraud
  • Has good customer service
  • "You don’t need to be a PayPal expert to know that"
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Every year, I respect marketing, messaging, sales, and communications more Best books: - Pitch Anything (Klaff) - Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t (Pressfield) - Positioning (Ries, Trout) - Influence (Cialdini) - Scientific Advertising (Hopkins) - Priceless (Poundstone)

over 2 years ago

@CasJam @TransistorFM The most effective content seems to be β€œHow I use X for Y” β€œHow Jane uses @ZipMessageApp for outbound sales.” β€œHow @ConvertKit uses @TransistorFM to connect with creators.” ☝️ I need to invest more in this type of storytelling + content.

Crazy Egg uses inbound marketing to attract visitors. Crazy Egg does a great job in explaining why it is a best fit in 4 steps: 1. Frame the problem. 2. Expand on the problem. 3. Share the possible solution. 4. Share how Crazy Egg solves it. pic.twitter.com/GFErhc8OY5

thearslankhalid tweet image
Saved to Marketing
over 2 years ago

What the **** is "growth" marketing??? Here's an in-depth overview to help you rethink how you can grow your online business faster. πŸ‘‡ A THREAD πŸ‘‡ pic.twitter.com/TSYyxCQJD8

ImSamThompson tweet image
over 2 years ago

How to add SaaS revenue very fast:

 Avoid competitive channels like Google ads and cold emails. These 9 founders found β€œSaaS Gold” using 3 specific channels to add over $1b in value to their companies: A thread πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

  • Freemium & Powered By - "Once they launched freemium, more people used/published, clicks increased to 14k per week (3.5x!)."
  • FB Groups - Lemlist puts lifecycle emails in their onboarding flows marketing their FB group, now 11k members strong. They convert members to paid subs, now $4m in revenues.
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'Air Fryer' is brilliant marketing. 'fryer' means delicious but bad for you, 'air' means pure/clean/nothing added. 'air fryer' evokes a deliciously simple and clean way to cook -- i took ours apart, its literally a toaster oven with a tiny circulating fan.

How to get an expert marketing education for $40/mo: 1. VGC Plus w/ @VeryGoodCopy 2. DGMG (@joindgmg) w/ @davegerhardt 3. Some Good Content w/ @Bonini84 4. @SEO4theRestofUs w/ ME Links in the thread below πŸ‘‡ pic.twitter.com/hsfLdo7lhe

BrendanHufford tweet image
Saved to Marketing
about 3 years ago

The most powerful concept in product marketing is inertia: People, generally, continue to do what they're already doing. (Or, they keep "not doing" what they're already not doing. πŸ˜‰)

  • Questions to ask when exploring a new market:
  • Are they searching for what you're thinking of building?
  • How do you know? What evidence do you have?
  • How motivated are they? How willing to pay?
  • Are they already convinced they "need X," or do they still need convincing?
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about 3 years ago

57 Directives on Creating, Marketing, Building, Selling, and Building Relationships Lessons learned from Derek @sivers' incredible book "Your Music and People." [MEGATHREAD] pic.twitter.com/Q5ltGVbLef

dickiebush tweet image

1/ Marshmello is the 2nd highest paid DJ in the world and rakes in $40mm per year while wearing a marshmallow helmet. His secret? His brilliant, unknown manager, Moe Shalizi. This is a lesson in how creative approaches in the music industry built a global phenomenon. pic.twitter.com/q7bNdOjx9P

kevinleeme tweet image
over 3 years ago