58 Youtube Videos about
International Trade
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Meeting the Founder of Silk Road ( Ross Ulbricht ) | My First Million Podcast - YouTube

Sam explains how he met Ross Ulbricht, founder of Silk Road, and how he discovered Bitcoin. Ross Ulbricht was arrested for running the largest black market m...

India business profiles - YouTube

In which sectors has the Indian economy shown the most recent success?Development Economics course: http://mruniversity.com/courses/development-economics-0Ne...

Market reforms in Bangladesh - YouTube

In the 1970s, the food situation in Bangladesh was quite grim. It had some of the worst agricultural policies in the world, and market price signals were not...

The cultural diversity critique of markets - YouTube

A common argument is made that markets and capitalism will lead to too little cultural diversity. While it's true that diversity across societies (how countr...

Development and Trade: Empirical Evidence - YouTube

How do we know that trade is good for economic development? This video covers a few natural experiments, comparing GDP in countries that face high trade barr...

Trade and Poverty in India - YouTube
India Retail Competition - YouTube

How much competition should developing countries allow from large foreign retailers like Wal-Mart? This video covers both the benefits and drawbacks in conte...

The Economics of Bollywood - YouTube

Bollywood has become a national and global success, with Mumbai at the center of making and distributing movies. What are some of the factors that have led t...

Who gains from FDI? - YouTube

Which countries gain the most from foreign direct investment (FDI)? Which gain the least? FDI reallocates production away from the home country, sharing tech...

Does Trade Help the Environment? - YouTube
Who Supports Free Trade? - YouTube

What are predictors of pro or anti-free trade sentiment? This video discusses data from the paper "Why are Some People (and Countries) more Protectionist tha...

Does Fair Trade Help? - YouTube
Maquiladoras - YouTube

A maquiladora is a Mexican plant that imports inputs from the US, processes them in a way that adds value, and then exports the finished goods back to the US...

Effects of NAFTA on the Mexican Economy - YouTube

How has NAFTA affected Mexico's economy? Mexico's policymakers expected that, with NAFTA, Mexico's per capita income would catch up with the average incomes ...

NAFTA and Mexican Agriculture - YouTube

Has NAFTA caused unemployment in Mexico's agricultural sector? What happened to agricultural prices in the US and Mexico after NAFTA? Has NAFTA led to gains ...

Introduction to NAFTA - YouTube
Economics of Offshoring - YouTube

The economics of offshoring includes several different elements discussed in previous videos, including foreign direct investment, comparative advantage, the...

What is at Stake in Trade Theories? - YouTube

What are the economic, political, and philosophical issues at stake when we examine competing theories of international trade? This video takes a look at how...

Why Did Trade Plummet in the Great Recession? - YouTube

Why did trade fall so fast during the recent Great Recession? Global trade fell 30% between 2008-2009. One reason is that trade in durable goods — like cars ...

Virtual Water - YouTube

Virtual water refers to the practice of trading commodities that contain water. It's oftentimes not easy to trade water from one country to another because o...

The Rybczynski Theorem - YouTube

This video cover the Rybczynski Theorem, which asks: what happens if a factor of production increases in one country? Under some assumptions, the theorem hyp...

The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem - YouTube

This video covers how differences in factor endowments affect trade, as is demonstrated through the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem. Under some simple assumptions, t...

Factor Price Equalization - YouTube

To what extent does trade bring returns to labor and capital closer together across nations? This video covers how trade equalizes factor prices and what thi...

Specific Factors Models - YouTube

Specific Factors Models are based on the basic point that not all factors of production are mobile. Immobile factors are affected differently whether imports...

The deindustrialization of India - YouTube

In the early 18th century, India was a global manufacturing powerhouse. Indian agriculture and textile manufacturing had high productivity. In 1750, 25% of t...

Paul Romer - YouTube
Friedrich List - YouTube

Friedrich List, a 19th century German economist, is best known for his critique of free trade. In many ways, his work responds to Adam Smith's theories on gr...

South Korea and Industrial Policy - YouTube

South Korea has become one of the biggest economic success stories since the 1960s, making it hard to believe that at one point, North Korea was more advance...

Robert Torrens on strategic trade policy

This video takes a look at a section of Robert Torrens' classic economic text, "The Budget." Torrens was a strong advocate of free trade. While many attribut...