brief thoughts on ~creative despair~ that I wrote a few years ago. ❤️ 1/3 pic.twitter.com/PGzvGmbtMq

your ideas are valuable and you should invest in them! Get your idea out of your head and onto paper. Use every trick you need to, this is my favorite pic.twitter.com/lGQpu7vNvm

for anyone who can use it ❤️ pic.twitter.com/2LGCFplCWC
factory safety ⚠️ pic.twitter.com/nINyYXO8qi

expert beings pic.twitter.com/X8HAMWnqZu

I drew a little PSA: One reason preorders mean so much for your favorite authors is they help bookstores *see* a forthcoming book. ✨📖✨ pic.twitter.com/1fnf0TLXfL
It is #WorldSnakeDay pic.twitter.com/8KxbgwEZa6

here is my theory pic.twitter.com/wr6LJSvuEx

I love how the animators here flex their own actual superpower, to make a flat surface something a character can run through twitter.com/SixteenPizzas/…
tell me a cool fact about your country that will allow me to do ~more informed~ rooting for your athletes
Top 3 industry losers and winners if gravity were turned off losers: 1) necklaces 2) trampolines 3) cacti succulents winners: 1) large butterfly nets 2) dog leashes 3) toothpicks for sandwiches
recently I started drawing a series called ✨Strange Planet✨ here is a thread of these comics Instagram.com/nathanwpylestr… pic.twitter.com/uuYnqeuCc8